Movie Mondays
Summer Series Sponsorship

The Arts Center's Movie Monday Summer Series program will be Colquitt County's premiere community movie program offering one FREE movie each Monday throughout the summer. As a local business in our community your partnership will demonstrate your commitment to your employees and the community of Moultrie. Your financial support will not only help us offer this new family event series, but your dollars will allow us to share your company's name with our movie-goers and visitors.
As a sponsor, your company will support these fun and free events, giving back to our community, and providing an opportunity for our theater to be seen and enjoyed in a unique way.
The Arts Center of Moultrie is Colquitt County's creative and cultural resource. Our mission is to provide engaging arts education for children and adults, act as a steward of permanent art collections, and maintain a landmark facility that enriches Moultrie, Georgia and all of our neighboring communities. The Arts Center is dedicated to providing an abundance of creativity through classes, workshops, exhibits, events and more. Our theater has recently undergone renovations with the help of grants from the Fox Theatre Institute and Georgia Council for the Arts. We are thrilled to open our doors to the community this summer and hope you will join us in this exciting new way to engage youth and families in Colquitt County!
The Arts Center will provide a FREE weekly movie series in June and July to entertain the entire community. This summer programming will:
- Encourage family and friend traditions with consistent events
- Create memorable experiences for every audience, from toddlers to grandparents
- Promote a convenient, local, fun, safe, and cool afternoon out experience
- Build community with quality films that encourage diversity and inclusion